Brand strategy / Graphic design / Motion design /ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN

The members of a group of 4 equipment rental business units (previously under the Lou-Tec banner) approched Beauvoir because they wanted to create a strong new brand. They were absolutely right! Beauvoir guided them through the various steps leading to the creation of their brand’s strategy, naming, logotype and identity framework conception as well as the creation of several communication tools and a product launch publicity campaign.

Beauvoir managed to infuse the brand with the values and commitment of all 70 experts who, day after day, aspire to be indispensible allies for the builders of Quebec’s future.

This is how YEP Location d’équipements came to be!


To build a solid brand.

  • Quickly make YEP’s existence known in its specific market niche, i.e. building entrepreneurs (notoriety).
  • Make the business stand out against the competition and promote its values (expertise, commitment, integrity and family spirit).
  • Contribute to client development.


YEP, because no is not an option!

To adequately capture the brand’s essence, Beauvoir organized a workshop during which stakeholders pinpointed their business’ vision, mission, values and personality. Armed with this key information, Beauvoir then went on to perform the name-based search and to define the brand’s creative aspects, i.e. tone, voice, imaging and graphic codes.

Beauvoir designed the business’ logotype and identity framework as well the graphic tools that were used to launch the brand (exterior signage, vehicle wrapping, uniforms, stationary, etc.).

By conceiving an employee guidebook, Beauvoir also contributed to the employer’s brandtype and client experience.

Beauvoir also designed the publicity campaign that launched the brand (web campaign, launch video, radio advertisement and signage).

3- REsults

That’s a big YEP in the industry

Employees immediately took to the new brand and strongly contributed to its promotion, particularly when they massively shared the business’ launch video (shared more than 200 times).

In less than a month, the launch video was seen over 7500 times on YouTube and Facebook.

In less than three months, the business’ temporary website received over 12,000 visitors.

Over 75% of the website visits were attributable to the web campaign.

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