Boréalis iPad

Conception, ideation & storytelling / Graphic Design / Web development

Develop a playful and educational iPad application to promote the company’s mission and popularize social and environmental responsibility (CSR) with its local and regional stakeholders.

Playing as a tool for communication and education

The heart of the project was the game we developed which features multiple levels of CSR issues. As the user progresses, he is invited to make choices, and then face the resulting social, environmental and economic impacts.

Tailored gaming environment perfectly enhanced by visuals and sounds

This smartly engineered playground breathes simplicity and fun. It allows the content to live freely in a playful universe, backed by an epic soundtrack.

Unique and playful illustrations mirror the customer’s reality

A set of illustrations was designed in isometric view, on an amplified scale, with the objective of recreating an environment that recalls the client’s reality and his CSR mandates.

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